About Me

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I've always loved music and wanted to work in it. Well, you gotta start somewhere. See you at the top? Ok, cool.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2 Year Anniversary

So I started this blog in March 2010, about a year after I graduated college.  As many college grads know, graduating college is probably one of the hardest moments of your life.  You have no idea what to do, and everyone celebrating you completing something when you have no idea what your next step is.  To keep my mind occupied when I was trying to figure out my life, I started this blog just on a whim because 140 characters on Twitter wasn't enough for me to talk about music.  Eventually this blog inspired me to move to New York, attend NYU for grad school in Music Business and pursue a career in Music Business, specifically music journalism.  While I wasn't as consisted on updating this blog when I moved here, I've started to come back to it because it's a constant reminder of why I left home, and the bigger question I have frequently, "What the eff am I doing?"  So thanks for reading, no mater how frequently you do. 

And thanks to my Mom for always being supportive, reading, and being quite vocal of her love for Trey Songz. :)

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