You know that awkward moment when someone says that they are going to show you a talent that you don't know if they would be good at or not? Like when a group of friends are in a talent show for dancing, or your friend really think she can sing in the car? LOL when these moments happen to me, I usually hold my breath and look down so I don't bust out laughing or have a facial expression that gives away everything, hoping for the best. This also happens to me when I see someone in the entertainment business doing something new, for instance, the actor turned rapper. It could be really awkward, but surprisingly this time it wasn't. Donald Glover, who I love on "Community" also raps under the name Childish Gambino. I've known this for awhile, but have avoided listening to it so it would taint my perception of him. However, under the recommendation of my friend David, I finally gave it a listen, and its craaaaaaaazy good. However, I'll give you the opportunity to create you own perception rather than analyzing the lyrics.
You can also get his mixtape, called "EP" here
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