About Me

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I've always loved music and wanted to work in it. Well, you gotta start somewhere. See you at the top? Ok, cool.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

One Year Anniversary

Yes, I missed my own blog anniversary.  Great lol.  So I started this blog March 22nd 2010 to give me something to do since I graduated in May 2009 and needed something to do.  Always loved music and tada here we are a year later.  I'm proud that I still write in this till this day (even though my broken computer has made my ability to update harder) and plan to continue. You know the Jay-Z quote "nothing wrong with aim, just gotta change the target."?  This blog helped me change the target, and things are looking up in terms career wise because of it.  But of course, I'll remain cryptic.  :D

To many more anniversaries

Love Ariana, Air, whatever you call me...

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